Thursday, February 12, 2009

We're not dead and no one has malaria...yet...

So you may be wondering why it's been a few weeks since we blogged about anything...well we haven't even had time to think lately...

Briefly, here's what we've been up to:

01/16 - 10 PM - I finally arrived in FL to spend a few days with Mom & Dad before hitting the ground running in Nashville...

01/20 - Noon - Back in the saddle...well Nashville at least, and back to work.

01/21 - 01/28 - Working tirelessly to get all of our Global Support accounting up-to-date...not a fun job...especially when we had a deadline to get our giving statements in the mail by 01/31.

01/29 - Drove down to Biloxi, MS for a Second Avenue Trade show.

01/30 - Second Ave Trade Show

01/31 - Drove back to Nashville...made it home to see Travis, as he returned from Africa

02/01 - 02/04 - Trying our hardest to pull off our Nashville "This Is Love" Banquet! Also working on some cool new vid's...they'll be on the web soon!

02/05 - 10 AM - This is Love Setup

7 -10:30 PM - Nashville "This Is Love" Banquet

10:30 PM - 12 AM - This is Love Tear Down

02/06 - 02/08 - Running errands and hanging with the coolest Australian you'll ever meet.

02/09 - Drove to Mississippi to get ready for Biloxi "This Is Love" Banquet

02/10 - Biloxi "This Is Love" Banquet

02/11 - Day Off (FINALLY! but i did have a migraine most of the day, not cool)

02/12 - Mobile "This Is Love" Banquet

Right Now - writing people don't think we're dead.

So that's pretty much it...we've been sending pics via twitter if you wanna see some photos of the can also check out our Global Support Mission Facebook page...

We'll definitely be keeping the blog more up to date now that we have time to be sane human beings.

Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who had any part to play in making the "This Is Love" Banquets a success. All three banquets, Nashville, Biloxi, and Mobile, were great and we could not have done it without you!


1 comment:

yvette said...

I'm just gonna say it! I'm that Australian! Thanks David, always fun hanging out with you kids!